Monday, September 21, 2009


It hit me today: I don't like my Plot Cards for the middle of my project. That realization scares me. Although I am not very far yet, if I keep writing every day, soon I will reach the "murky middle". Soon, I won't have any idea of what needs to happen next. I've tried working on my cards, but I'm not making very much progress. I guess I'll just deal with it when I get there.

This brings me to an important point: You should look through your cards before starting your story. If you don't, you'll realize later that you hate many of the scenes you had planned.

I can't wait to write this next scene. This is where things really pick up. I haven't been this excited in a long time. My goal is to write at least 500 new words, which I am almost certain I can accomplish. I've been writing every day, something I haven't done in a year. This is a big step for me.

Before I close I want to recommend a book to anyone reading this. For anyone who wants to write, you need this. "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg changed my life. It made me burn to write. It gave me great tips on how to get started. The section about timed writing is brilliant.

So. I'm off to write and enjoy the day with my husband. Have a great writing day. I know I will.

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