Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Pages

Project Update: I wrote my first scene today. It was much shorter than I wanted it to be. I was hoping for 1000 words...or at the very least 500. Instead, my scene ended at 277 words.

There is freedom in having a blank page to work with, in just starting the story. It can be difficult as well, especially when you don't know where you are going. Or where your story should even start.

One piece of advice: It should start with change. Something should be different about this time, this day, this situation. It should NOT start with backstory. Backstory is boring and will throw the reader right out of your story.

If you have problems starting your projects, even after spending months planning them...ask yourself some questions. Where are you? What is your character doing? Who are they watching? Why are they there? What changes? After answering these you should have some interesting ideas on where to start. It helped me at least.

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