Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Plot Cards And Why You Need Them

For the past few days I have been plotting my novel using the techniques in the Thinking Sideways course. This involves writing one sentence, under thirty words, for every scene in the novel. In the sentence you should include: your characters, the conflict, the twist and the setting. Without these elements you can end up writing a weak scene, you can get lost, you can even end up writing a novel that isn't worth saving.

Plot cards are important for many reasons. They keep your story on track. They allow you to write strong scenes. They can be used when you must plan and write a novel in a very short amount of time. For me, it has been a struggle writing my plot cards, but I know that in the end I will love what turns out and I will be that much more likely able to finish my project.

I will be honest. I never did project planning before taking Thinking Sideways. It never even entered my mind. I was the type that just got an idea in my head for an awesome character with a problem and wrote like crazy. Problem was...I hit the brick wall fast because I had no idea where my story was suppossed to go.

I have found that even though I was not much of a planner that this Lesson is helping me more than I can even imagine and it is a tool I will continue to use even after I finish this course. I love some of the ideas i'm getting. But I also see what needs to be fixed.

Well, that's it for today I think. Next time I'll either talk about fixing plot cards or even starting the first pages of a novel, depending on where I am at that day.

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