Monday, November 2, 2009

Word Envy

My Total Word Count is: 3,386 after finishing Day Two of Nano. This is good. I am staying on target here. This isn't really my issue. My problem= word envy. Quite simply I let other crazy huge word counts affect my ability to keep writing. When I see someone over 15k on only the second day? I just want to quit. It makes me want to have that word count...and yet there is no way I can get there.

So. I need to change this. I can't worry about who has what word count. I need to focus on meeting my goal every day and so far I have done that. I need to try and be proud of my accomplishments because writing this much is a huge breakthrough for me. I can't get all envious now because that will destroy my want to write.

My new goal is to get my total word count up to 5,000 by noon tomorrow because after that I have a doctors appointment, I need to buy some new clothes and a whole bunch of other stuff that will make it impossible to write. Hopefully I can do that otherwise I will fall behind. Then I would feel really bad.

Sorry this has been nothing but a rant. I really needed to let that out. Hopefully tomorrow I can talk about other things besides just Nano.

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