Monday, November 30, 2009

The End Of Nano

Woot! I did it. I actually did it. I woke up today, banged out over 3k words and won Nano. The feeling is amazing. But now I am slightly terrified. What will next month bring me? What will happen to my novel? I know it needs an insane amount of work, but I love it. I really want to see good things happen to it. This is such a big goal that I reached. The feeling...I cannot describe it at all.

So who else won? Who lost? Will you be participating next year? I most certainly will be. And I can tell you this: next time I will be using an outline.


Voidwalker said...

I would love to participate next time. I didn't know anything about it and by the time I learned it was too late to start.

Congratulations by the way!!!

Tori said...

Thank you! It was such a great experience. I have been telling everyone I know about it in hopes that someone will decide to participate next time with me. It is especially great for those who take a long time getting an idea off the ground because it forces you to write even when you think you can't. I surprised myself constantly through Novemeber...and the feeling I had when I completed...was just amazing.