Friday, June 11, 2010

More Words!

I got to write again today thanks to my awesome husband. He watched the child for a few minutes while I scribbled furiously in the bedroom, wanting desperately to finish my scene before baby needed me. I don't think I've ever written that fast in such a short amount of time, not on paper. The words literally poured from me. The Muse took over completely, and that doesn't happen very often because I tend to be a tad controlling. So imagine my surprise at how well this session went.

My wordcount was 800 words in less than 15 minutes. I couldn't believe it. And the words didn't completely suck either. This was a much needed scene where my MC tries to save her mother's life, only to watch her slowly slip away. And then she discovers that even if she recovers she won't be the same. It was a tough scene so I am glad it came out so well. I wish all of them went like this.

Seriously, maybe I should always write under pressure. If I did this book might come together a little faster, which means I wouldn't worry so much about new projects catching my eye. The thing is, when it comes to me and writing, I can't focus on more than one thing at a time otherwise I just start working on one thing and not the other. That is how I have so many starts to projects with nothing finished. Something always gets in the way. I can't do that this time. I have to finish something. I need to. I want to send this out to agents, to see where I stand. I want to see if I can make it.

I really wish I could juggle more than one project at a time, something I have said many times. I get so amazed when I see writers that not only have more than one WIP in first draft, but are also revising something else and even still has another in development. It makes me almost feel depressed about my one WIP. Like it is small beans in comparison. But I can't think like that anymore. I can only do what I can do, and I am still new at this anyway. Maybe when I have more experience things will get easier.

For now I just have to buckle down and continue on this journey of discovery and hopefully end up with not a competely dreadful first draft. And even if I do...that's what revisions are for. Right?

1 comment:

Lynn Mitchell said...

800 words in less than 15 minutes is AWESOME! I love it when words flow out that easily. (Right now I'm stuck on my ms. I know where I'm supposed to be headed, but I'm honestly a little bored with it.) Thanks for the inspiration I needed to get back to work. :)