Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 8: Still ahead but feel behind, plus I hate what I am writing.

Okay, here's the thing. I'll be the first writer to admit that I've got a serious problem with not listening to my Inner Editor. I always feel like what I have written is crap. Or think its not worth trying to fix things because it will still suck anyway. I know this can be a normal reaction, but its hard to remember sometimes. Usually I just think I'm not nearly as good as everyone else and I've got not right to be writing. What have I got to say that is so important?

Yeah, I warned you. I wasn't in a good mood today. I KNOW that the first draft is allowed to be crappy. But how crappy? When do you say enough is enough, this sucks, lets try again? I want to spend time with these characters...I just don't feel like my writing is good enough for their stories. I know the only thing I can do is keep writing, keep improving. But MAN that is HARD sometimes.

Seriously, as a child I never thought that writing could be so hard. I was oblivious. Or maybe I was smart then. I wrote for me. That was it. If it wasn't fun to write I didn't do it. And I didn't listen to other people. I stuck with what interested me.

A great writer once said that a first draft is for your eyes only, and that you are writing that for yourself. You revise with the reader in mind. That is, if you want to publish. I need to keep this in mind. That all this crappy writing is okay, as long as I love my story. I just have to focus on getting it down.

Anyone else getting the writer blues? Have any tips to combat against it?

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