Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Update of sorts...and a question

I'm trying to ignore the urge to tear into my first draft already. I've given myself a minimum of a week to let it cool down. In order to follow this I've started planning my next project. I already know I'm going to have lots of fun with this one. I'm working through Lesson 7 of HTTS (How To Think Sideways) right now, hoping I won't mess up on the worldbuilding this time around. I've found that is my weak spot. I just can't seem to get my world to come alive. Hopefully during revision this is something I can fix.

When you start a new project while letting first drafts rest...do you ever feel like you seriously screwed up? Should have done so many things differently? I keep having those thoughts, and it is starting to effect the fun I was having coming up with this new idea. Trying to tell myself that this is a learning experience, my writing will only get better...hasn't helped much. I keep obsessing about the MS that needs to be fixed. Or, worse yet, fantasizing about destroying it. That's how much I dislike it right now. The beginning was amazing and something I probably won't change much of. I start hitting walls in the middle. And I know I've got nothing but fog at the end.

Okay, enough complaining about my project. Something cool has certainly come out of this as well. I've made it to the end of a rough draft! And it has been a LONG time since that has happened. At least I can be proud of that. Maybe I'm not too thrilled with certain aspects of my book, but I am proud I stuck through it and actually made it to the end. I was so happy I cheated on my diet and ate pizza! Which was bad for my diet but tasted oh so good!

Which brings me to a question. How many of you celebrate finishing a rough draft, or edits, or sending out query letters? Or say you don't write but have another hobby...what do you do to celebrate reaching the end of a creative project, if anything at all? This is the first time I have rewarded myself. I think I might start doing it more often.

Well, must get back to my new project. And if you're interested in what I'm writing...its a YA novel focused on some tough issues. If I had to pick an  audience for it I'd say in the 14-18ish range. The name of the new book is HAVEN. As for the one waiting for revision...I'm trying to come up with a better name.

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