Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day Fourteen: I'm Stil Moving Forward!

Sorry I haven't been updating you guys everyday on my wordcount. There has been some drama here at home, the WIP stalled...and a lot of other little tidbits I won't rant about here. But I'm off writing again, and as you can see I'm still on track for finishing this month. In fact, if I can write a couple thousand words today I'll even have a buffer day or two if things get bad down the road. I've also gone off of my planned outline and into some unknown waters as far as my WIP goes. I don't know where it will take me or if I'll get back to knowing where I am. For now I'm just taking this as it comes. I'm not really worried. I have the ending in my head and that is enough for me. It's getting there that will be tough. I hate middles sometimes.

I've learned something pretty important this month. The first is pretty obvious. If I want to finish anything I start I need to write on a regular basis. No excuses. I'm so used to writing only when the mood strikes me, but the fact of the matter is that if you want to continue publishing books you have to write every day, not only when you want to. I've known this for quite some time, but it didn't really sink in until this month. I asked myself if I could produce three of four books a year if I had to. And, if I stick with it and write consistently, I have no doubts that I can.

Do you, as a writer, feel it is important to write every day? Do you have a word goal? When is it okay not to write? For me personally, I know it is okay to take a day off when I have other things to deal with. Like my family. There is a middle ground. Writing is important, but it should not come before my child's needs. But, that aside...I've been trying to write as close to every day as I can muster.

In the next few days I'd like to talk about other things I've learned from JulNoWriMo. And I'll probably be ranting about my WIP. Who knows, you may get to see a snippet or two.

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