Saturday, April 17, 2010

Back on track.

I actually managed to write last night, even though I don't feel completely back yet. I am just not doing so well with the bad news, but I am trying very hard to stay positive.

So. Staying current word count is 2,928 words. That might not seem like a lot, but it is the most I have written since November, so I am happy. Plus, I have written every day since starting except for one day, which is good! If I keep this pace I'll be done with this story in less than two more weeks! (Yeah, its not novel length, my next project will be though!)

By the way, that leads me to a question I have been wondering: How many of you write even when you are NOT inspired? Because, like it or not, if I want to ever be published I realized I need to learn how to write on a regular basis. I know that in movies they have the writer that has months of writers block only to suddenly be hit with inspiration and then wildly finishes their book which becomes a bestseller... but lets face reality here. That is not how most successful writers work. They treat writing like a job, and therefore write even when they don't want to. I guess I need to keep that in mind when I feel like quitting. If I want to get anywhere in this business I have to find time to write...even if I want to be doing something else.

Just a thought.

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