Thursday, April 29, 2010

What do you do when you think your book is wrecked?

I'm not asking because I think my project is ruined, I am just curious to see what others do if this happens to them. Do you salvage what you can and start again? Or do you try a completely new angle? Is there cases where you think the project can't be saved?

For me it is always hard to admit that a project isn't going the way I want it to. I try so hard to fix it and when I can't...I just can't seem to throw it out, even if nothing is worth saving. So what do I do with it? It wastes space on my computer because I think...maybe someday I'll make use of it.

But I am getting better at moving on at least. I don't force myself to finish projects that I know won't make it to second draft anymore. That's something right?

PROJECT UPDATE: I'm working out my ending right now. It's taking a lot of planning. But, endings are always hard for me so I expected this. I just can't wait to start writing again so I can finish this. I'm itching to write my next project. Like now.

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