Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sometimes...the internet is just evil!

Yeah, I think that title says it all. I find that whenever I sit down to write I have this horrible urge to just check a few things. You know what I am talking about. My E-mail, some really cool research, ect. And before I know it an hour or two has gone by and no real writing has been done!

Grr internet, oh how I loathe you. No, that's not true. It is very useful. It's just I have not learned to control myself enough to use my time to the best of my ability. Is this just me, or do others experience this too?

It must be the procrastinator in me. Seriously, I need to learn how to get over this if I want to make a career out of writing. I've been doing it yes, but not as many words as I would like.

Today I will get no less than 700 words, but I am going to try and shoot for 1000. I need to get in the habit of writing more, not just everyday...but a good amount everyday. And those of you with kids know how hard that can be.

My advice to you all and to myself: You can do anything for ten minutes...right? Well, get out that stopwatch, that egg timer and set it for ten minutes. Then sit and write your heart out. Start a scene, finish a scene, whatever. When the timer goes off do whatever you need to do. If this works then use it throughout the day when you have time. Trust me, this adds up. And you will notice you can get a lot more done this way if you are a procrastinator like I am.

Well, I'm off to hopefully get in my 700 words. I'll let you know later tonight how it goes.


Voidwalker said...

Hey! You're back. Good to see you again. I wondered what happened to you.

Glad to hear you are still writing. Keep it up and yes, I have 5 kiddos m'self, so I know how hard it can be to work it in. Hell, I never really work it in at home, I can only sneak it in at work......(shhhh, don't tell my boss)

Tori said...

Yup, I had a little boy so I was spending time getting back on schedule, but now I can sneak in some writing so I remembered my blog. It feels good to be back!

Wow, I can't imagine having five of my son around, its amazing you have time to write at all!

Heh, well, we write where we can when we can right? And as long as you are sneaky your boss should never find it up!