Monday, April 19, 2010

Reading through my project.

I don't know how many of you are writers. But I have to ask this anyway, for my sanity. Have you ever, after getting started with your project, looked back on what you written and panicked? Wondered how the hell were you going to fix the mess you made? Contemplated throwing out everything and starting over?

That is where I am at now and it is not a very fun place to be. But I have not been known for finishing my writing projects, so I am going to push through this, no matter how painful it is. Besides, I am a writer that tends to hate everything I write during the first draft. I don't really have a clear idea what is good or not until the revision.

But...pushing through can sometimes be so hard. So I wanted to know what you guys do when you think your writing sucks. Do you start over from scratch? Play the lets-pretend-I-got-this-right-the-first-time game and move on? Or something completely different?

Please. Let me know in the comments.

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