Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Making Progress

It feels like it is taking forever, but I am making progress, slowly but surely. Currently my wordcount is 4,800. It doesn't feel like much, but this is only a short story, so I am probably about halfway through by now. I'm excited to see how this turns out. After I am finished with the first draft I'll let it sit while I plan my YA novel.

Do any of you feel impatient at times? Sometimes it feels like this whole process is so long! Please, do tell. Where are you in your project and how long have you been working on it? Are you excited for when it will be over? Or do you not care how long it takes.

Just wondering.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tori I think everyone is impatient from time to time. When you get up to 40,000 words and then second guessing yourself is when the insanity sunk in for me. It's not about word count but it is about how much time you have spent molding your project. Then you start looking at what's ahead and think...Wow, I'm not even half way there! I only have done this as a "for fun" thing until now. maybe that's my problem... it needs to be fun for me to want to do it! I really don't care how long it takes but I would like to know where I stand.